How to employ someone
How to employ someone: step-by-step guide Employing someone is an exciting time for a business, but doing it correctly involves several different stages that an employer must follow before members of staff can be fully brought on board and start their employment. In this guide, we explain the key steps of how to employ someone […]
Ill Health Capability Dismissal Process

If an employee has been on long-term sick leave or has had frequent periods of being off work due to sickness, an employer may have to weigh up the difficult decision as to whether they can keep the employee on or not. An employer should always take legal advice before deciding to dismiss an employee, […]
Benefits of a clear desk policy

The benefits of a clear desk policy A clear desk policy can play a valuable role in ensuring compliant security practices in the workplace, as well as creating a more efficient and environmentally-friendly working environment. In practice, clear desk policies are not the most straightforward to implement. It can be challenging to monitor compliance, and […]