Notice pay for furloughed workers?

If employees have agreed to accept 80% of their salary while on furlough, is their notice pay also paid at 80%, or does it revert to 100% under the usual employment law rules? As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ability to furlough workers under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, various legal issues […]

Managing absences: Coronavirus guide for HR

The disruption to business caused by the COVID-19 outbreak is unprecedented. In this article, we consider various scenarios in which an employee may be absent from work and what are their rights during those periods, with practical guidance for employers managing absences due to the coronavirus crisis. Sickness absence due to coronavirus If an employee […]

COVID-19 & holiday entitlement: HR guide

Various new employment regulations have been introduced in response to the coronavirus pandemic, all with the intention of helping businesses and the workforce cope with the effects of the outbreak, whether from a social or economic perspective. Here, we focus on the introduction by the UK Government of new regulations, which relax the current rules […]

Changing worker contract terms: Coronavirus FAQs

The coronavirus outbreak is forcing employers to make difficult decisions and actions in respect of their workforce. While the Government introduces emergency schemes to avert widescale layoffs and redundancies, employers need to be aware of the employment law implications of making changes to a worker’s contract terms. We look at some frequently asked questions from […]

Time off for dependants: Coronavirus HR guide

This article was first published before the Government extended the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme to include carers  With the coronavirus crisis affecting the UK as a whole, and following the closure of UK schools from 23 March 2020, increasing numbers of workers are having to request time off work to care for dependants. Employers have […]

Homeworking during lockdown: HR advice

The UK Government has placed the country on official lockdown from 23 March 2020. Under the new rules, members of the public must not leave their house except to: Travel to and from work if impossible to work from home Shop for essentials, as infrequently as possible Exercise outdoors once per day, alone or with […]

Coronavirus advice: employer FAQs

Coronavirus advice for employers The outbreak of coronavirus in the UK raises a number of issues for employers across employment, immigration and health & safety. We are updating this article with the latest coronavirus advice for employers to help manage and contain the risks relating to Covid-19 and protect your people and your business. What […]