Calcultating final pay when someone leaves a job

final pay when somone leaves a job

Calculating final pay when someone leaves a job Employee final pay is the final pay packet paid by an employer to an employee when that employee is leaving their employment. A calculation of such pay should consider the terms of the employee’s employment contract and circumstances of employment, as well as statutory law. This employee […]

Payment in lieu of notice: PILON guide for HR

pilon payment in lieu of notice

PILON Guide for employers Dismissing an employee or having an employee resign can cause complications, especially if it’s the result of a workplace dispute or disagreement. Sometimes it can be easier to end the employment before the employee’s notice period. This is where making a payment in lieu of notice, or PILON, can be useful. […]

Offboarding Process Guide


Employee turnover is inevitable in any organisation. Whether an employee leaves your company voluntarily or involuntarily, with an offboarding process in place, you can ensure you are protecting your organisation’s interests. If an employee’s exit is not handled properly, you risk damage to your operations and your reputation. Being prepared for when an employee hands […]

Making a settlement agreement with an employee

settlement agreement

It is often in the best interest of employees and employers to resolve an issue through mediation, discussions or formal processes. However, where these practices fail, another option is available to end a working relationship — a settlement agreement mutually. When making a settlement agreement, the correct processes must be followed to ensure it is […]

Examples of gross misconduct & sackable offences

sackable offences list

Gross misconduct is behaviour or action which is so serious that it justifies an employer dismissing the perpetrator without notice or pay in lieu of notice. This is known as summary dismissal. For employers, it’s important to recognise the type of conduct that meets this threshold. If the misconduct is not sufficiently serious to be […]

Redundancy notice period guide for managers

redundancy notice period

Employers making workers redundant have to follow a fair and lawful redundancy process. As part of this, employers must ensure affected workers are given their legal entitlement to redundancy notice and pay. Failing to meet your obligations can expose your organisation to claims for unfair dismissal. In this guide for employers, we explain the rules on […]

Can you sack someone on sick leave?

dismiss employee on sick leave

As an employer, the law says you can sack someone on sick leave but you must have good reason and follow a fair dismissal procedure, or you risk costly employment tribunal claims. In this guide for HR, managers and employers, we explain the rules on sickness absence dismissals and share best practice advice on how […]

Employment tribunal costs for employers

employment tribunal costs for employers

If a workplace dispute cannot be resolved, employers may be forced to defend a claim before the employment tribunal. By understanding how the tribunal process works, including the steps involved and potential outcomes, employers can assess the most cost-effective way of dealing with an unresolved dispute while managing the employment tribunal costs that come with […]

Redeployment rights & redundancy

redeployment rights & redundancy

During the redundancy process, one of the requirements on the employer is to explore all suitable alternatives to making someone redundant. This could include considering options to redeploy the worker to a different role or a different part of the organisation. Redeployment, however, a complex area of the redundancy process, and employers must approach this […]

Termination of employment due to custodial sentence

termination of employment due to custodial sentence

What does it mean for an employer if one of their employees is convicted of a crime and sent to prison? In many cases, employers may be considering termination of employment, not least because the employee will no longer be available for work, but also due to associated issues such as bringing the company into […]