Are employers allowed to monitor employees at work?

Monitoring staff is a sensible business decision for several reasons, but this must be balanced with employees’ right to privacy while at work. In this guide, we outline what types of monitoring are permissible, under what conditions, and what must be in place for it to be legal. What do we mean by ‘monitoring’ […]
TUPE & right to work checks on transferring workers

Immigration compliance is a commonly overlooked aspect of the TUPE transfer process. Among the demands of managing a complex transaction and workforce changes, employers remain under an obligation to ensure all workers are eligible to work, or the organisation risks enforcement action being taken against them. What are the rules relating to right to work […]
How Much is SSP Per Day? (Employers’ Guide)

If an employee is unfit for work, by law, they may be entitled to statutory sick pay (SSP). This is the minimum amount of money an employer is legally obliged to pay to an employee who satisfies the conditions for payments when injured, unwell or required to self-isolate. The following guide for employers looks at […]
Grievance at work: Employer FAQs

Grievances at work can arise in various contexts and cover a variety of employment rights and issues. Employers and employees are expected to follow ACAS guidance on resolving grievance and disciplinary issues, but it can be easy to fall foul of best practice during such a stressful and complex process, which can make resolution less achievable. […]
How to Respond to a Flexible Working Request

Flexible working arrangements can not only be beneficial for those employees looking for a better work/life balance, but also for the employer’s business. Happier and healthier employees can lead to increased performance and productivity, not to mention reduced absenteeism and staff turnover rates. It is therefore important for employers to understand an employee’s rights when […]
Legal Working Hours & Working Time Regulations

Workers in the UK have certain minimum statutory rights when it comes to UK working hours. These include the right to work no more than 48 hours on average per week, or to opt out of this right if they so choose, and the right to a minimum length of rest breaks. Falling foul of […]
Sponsor licence revoked?

If an organisation with a sponsor licence does not meet the various compliance duties as required under the Immigration Rules, the Home Office has powers to take enforcement action. Where serious compliance breaches are alleged, the Home Office may send a notification letter stating that the organisation’s sponsor licence has been revoked or suspended pending […]
Home Office Sponsor Compliance Visits

UK employers must meet their duties under the prevention of illegal working regime. Sponsor licence holders have to meet additional compliance duties under the terms of the sponsorship licence. The Home Office relies on a range of methods to monitor employers and sponsor licence holders, including UKVI sponsor compliance site visits. During a site inspection, […]
Authorising Officer SMS & Compliance Duties

Among the many compliance duties placed on sponsor licence holders is the requirement to nominate an ‘Authorising Officer’ as one of the key personnel roles. It will be critical for the individual holding this role to fully understand the extent and importance of their duties as the AO, since the Home Office can impose significant […]
ACAS Early Conciliation Form Guide

If a workplace dispute has escalated and the employee is considering making a tribunal claim, there are steps they will need to follow before they can take their complaint to the Employment Tribunal. ACAS rules require a potential claimant to go through the Early Conciliation process before a tribunal claim can be issued. ACAS early […]