Resolving pay disputes (HR guide)

pay disputes

Pay disputes at work require swift action on the part of the employer to understand the reason for the complaint, and to identify and rectify any issues or errors. The following guide on pay disputes sets out employees’ rights and entitlement to pay and the basis upon which a claim for unpaid wages could be […]

Mutuality of obligation & worker status

Mutuality of obligation

Mutuality of obligation is an important concept in employment law, as it forms a key part of the criteria used by tribunals for determining the employment status of an individual. Below we examine this concept in more detail, including how this is applied in the context of HMRC’s IR35 off-payroll working rules. What is mutuality […]

Maternity leave: employers’ guide

Maternity leave

Employers have to meet a number of legal responsibilities when an employee is on maternity leave. Managed well, the period of maternity leave can improve morale, provide reassurance to your employees during their absence and contribute to a positive employer brand as a business that values its staff. Failure to meet your obligations and poor […]

Written warning: disciplinary guide

Written warning

An employer can give a written warning to an employee where they have breached the organisation’s disciplinary code, or their work or conduct has fallen short of what is expected. Employers however have to ensure they follow a fair and lawful disciplinary process to avoid the risk of tribunal claims. This guide offers employers further […]

Directors’ conflict of interest: how to comply

directors conflict of interest

Directors operate under a number of duties as prescribed by law. In particular, directors must take positive actions in respect of any potential or actual conflict of interest. This duty is placed on the individual director and not the company. Failure to comply can lead to serious consequences, including criminal proceedings. Broadly speaking, there are […]

Employment Rights Act 1996: HR Guide

employment rights act 1996

The Employment Rights Act 1996 (ERA) sets out and governs the majority of statutory employment rights in the UK. In this guide for employers, we outline the key provisions of the Act and the obligations it places on employers, or risk legal action. What is the Employment Rights Act 1996? The Employment Rights Act 1996 […]

Time Off In Lieu: how to manage TOIL

toil time off in lieu

In today’s workplace, flexible working patterns have become extremely common. The rigid nine-to-five regime is not always necessary for many organisations, and employers are continuously looking for ways to offer flexibility to keep their employees happy without disrupting business. For these reasons, many companies opt to give employees time off for working extra hours, rather […]

Associative discrimination: what employers need to know

associative discrimination

The Equality Act 2010 was introduced to protect employees from discrimination. The Act protects 9 characteristics that employers, businesses and organisations cannot discriminate against. Any form of discrimination — whether direct, indirect, victimisation or harassment — against these characteristics is unlawful. The nine protected characteristics in the 2010 Act are: Age Disability Gender reassignment Marriage […]

MAT B1 form & managing maternity

mat b1 form

Understanding the employment rights of your staff is one of the most important responsibilities when it comes to being an employer, including an employee’s right to maternity leave and maternity pay. However, it is also important to understand your own rights, as an employer, when it comes to staff notifying you that they are pregnant, […]

What to do if an employee is skiving off work

skiving off work

Sickness absence is an inevitable part of managing a workforce. But what if you suspect someone isn’t being honest about why they’re not at work? Or what if someone is at work but is deliberately not giving their full effort? Skiving off work can be damaging to a business and can negatively impact other employees. […]