Dealing with unauthorised absence from work

unauthorised absence

While most instances of employee absence will be for legitimate reasons, there may be times when an employee simply fails to show for work or to make contact with their employer without a reasonable excuse. Unauthorised absence can quickly become problematic if not handled correctly and consistently. In this guide, we look at how to […]

How to manage leave of absence

leave of absence

How to manage leave of absence Every employee will, at some point in their career, need time off or a leave of absence from their employment, for one reason or another. Moreover, employees have a statutory right to take breaks from their employment whilst still maintaining their employment status. Managing leave of absence can be […]

Bereavement leave: how to support grieving staff

Bereavement leave

Bereavement leave: how to support grieving staff Unfortunately, most people will experience losing a loved one during the course of their career. Going through the death of a close family member or friend is always a difficult and stressful time. Having to make arrangements with an employer on top of dealing with funeral plans and […]

How to Have a Without Prejudice Conversation

without prejudice conversation

There are various workplace scenarios where an employer may want to have an off-the-record conversation with an employee. These could include, for example, where an employee has bought, or is threatening to bring, a claim against the employer before the tribunal or courts. However, more often than not, these types of conversations will be around […]

National minimum wage rates

national minimum wage rates

By. law, employers must pay a minimum amount for the hours someone works. For workers aged 23 or over, this is called the National Living Wage (NLW). For workers aged under 23 and for apprentices, this is the National Minimum Wage (NMW). Minimum wage levels are reviewed annually by the Government. The rates are increasing […]

Workplace investigations: your employees’ rights

workplace investigations

Before an employer takes any disciplinary action, they first have to carry out a balanced and unbiased workplace investigation to establish the facts and ensure objective decision-making. This guide to workplace investigations will help employers understand their employees’ rights and their own obligations under UK law.   What is a workplace investigation?   A workplace […]

Apprenticeship levy: who pays?

apprenticeship levy

Apprenticeship levy: who pays? The apprenticeship levy equates to a relatively small monthly tax charge for large employers, but can be hugely beneficial to all businesses, providing essential funding to develop invaluable apprenticeship programmes and to boost workforce training. However, it is important for employers to fully understand how the apprenticeship levy scheme works, to […]

Gaslighting at work: a manager’s guide

Gaslighting at work

Gaslighting at work: a manager’s guide While the concept of ‘gaslighting at work’ is relatively modern in HR terminology, power struggles in the workplace are by no means new. For managers, the challenge is identifying gaslighting and taking appropriate steps to deal with unwanted and toxic behaviours. What is gaslighting at work? Contrary to popular […]

Auto enrolment postponement guide

auto enrolment postponement

Auto enrolment postponement guide If your business is employing staff for the first time, or postponing auto enrolment for the first time since putting a pension scheme in place, it is important that you understand what to do and when, to meet your employer duties. The following guide for employers on postponing auto enrolment looks […]

Notice to employees when selling business

Notice to employees when selling business

Notice to employees when selling business Selling a business is a complex process, involving a broad range of considerations. How you manage and engage with your workforce through the process will be critical, not just to maintain positive relations but also to minimise legal risk. The following guide for employers examines the rules relating to […]