What training should new managers get?

What training should new managers get? Anyone promoted to a managerial role for the first time should be supported in their new responsibilities through appropriate training. Managers play a critical role in enabling organisations to meet their commercial objectives, so investing the time to develop your management teams benefits both individuals and the organisation as […]
Return to work policy & procedure guide
If an employee has been absent from work through either illness or injury, especially for a prolonged period of time, it can take them a while to readjust on their return. In some cases, a number of changes may first need to be made to their working arrangements or working environment to help facilitate their […]
Employee working a second job – what can employers do?
People have second jobs for many reasons. They may need to earn additional income, want to monetise on a hobby or perhaps they want to change career and are looking to learn new skills or gain experience in a particular work environment. If you have learned that an employee is working a second job, it’s […]
How to tackle employee burnout
Knowing how to spot and prevent employee burnout could not only help to improve productivity for your business but also avoid the temporary or permanent loss of a valuable member of staff due to work-related stress. In this guide for employers, we look at what employee burnout actually means and how to spot the signs. […]
Long COVID sickness absence guide
For a growing number of people, coronavirus continues to cause a range of symptoms that last for several weeks or even months post-infection, leading to a diagnosis of long COVID. The symptoms can be so debilitating that it impacts their ability to work, resulting in long term sickness absence. The following guide for employers provides […]
Do employees have the right to disconnect?
The right to disconnect has become a much-debated employment issue in recent years. With remote working a pervasive practice since the pandemic, boundaries have increasingly blurred between work and home life for more workers than ever, resulting in growing cases of stress and burnout. This has raised questions over whether workers should be given a […]
Different types of pay structures

There are various different types of pay structures that can be implemented within an organisation, although the most suitable structure will depend on a number of factors including the nature and size of your business, the composition of the workforce, and the ways in which you want to incentivise and reward that workforce to meet […]
Compassionate leave for miscarriage
For employees who have suffered a miscarriage, time off work and the support they receive from their employer can be an important part of their recovery. But under current rules, employees who miscarry before the end of 24 weeks of pregnancy have no statutory to take maternity leave or claim maternity pay. Following stillbirth or […]
Can an employee refuse training?

Encouraging employees to progress with their personal development and within your business can help to unlock productivity and boost performance, especially if an individual is willing to undertake additional training relevant to their job role. Training can also form a crucial part of a particular role, although not all employees will be willing to undertake […]
Sabbatical leave: give your employees a break
Sabbatical leave is defined as a period of time, over and above normal annual leave entitlement, in which an employee does not attend the workplace or undertake any tasks but remains employed by the company. Sabbatical leave is usually taken by individuals who want to pursue personal interests, such as travelling, studying, or volunteering. The […]