New Menopause Guidance for Employers
The Equality and Human Rights Commission has published new menopause guidelines for employers, setting out possible support options and the consequences for employers failing to meet their legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010. The new guidelines have been designed to help employers create supportive and inclusive workplaces for women experiencing menopause symptoms, while ensuring […]
Menopause in the workplace: employer advice
Menopause in the workplace: employer advice Supporting employees experiencing the menopause has become increasingly important for employers. The changing demographic of our working population means that there are 3.5 million women over the age of 50 in the workforce, and this number is set to rise. With nearly 8 out of 10 menopausal women in […]
Reasonable adjustments for mental health disabilities
Employees are protected from discrimination at work if they have a qualifying disability under the Equality Act 2010. The obligation on employers to prevent unlawful disability discrimination extends not only to employees’ physical health and visible conditions but also to their mental health and well-being. Section 20 of the Act, in particular, gives eligible employees […]
How to Support Repatriating Employees
While an overseas assignment demands investment for the initial relocation and through ongoing support, there are common risks and challenges associated with repatriating employees as they return to their old workplace and lives. There are many reasons for high employee attrition rates following overseas assignment, and HR and mobility teams should take proactive steps to […]
How to Create a Sickness Absence Policy
Employers should have in place a suitable and up-to-date sickness policy, designed to promote the health and wellbeing of their workforce through the effective management of absence due to ill health. The following guide provides advice for employers on the importance of reviewing and maintaining their company’s sickness policy. What should a sickness policy […]
Lone Working Rules (Advice for Employers)
In this guide for employers, we explain the law in the UK relating to lone working, from the protection that those working alone or in isolated conditions should be afforded, to the importance of putting in place a lone worker policy and what this should include. What are lone workers? A lone worker is anyone […]
Reasonable adjustments guide for employers
The duty to make reasonable adjustments can expose even the most reputable employers to legal and practical risks. A failure to understand the law and your obligations can result in unlawful treatment of individuals with disabilities, resulting in costly tribunal discrimination claims. In this guide for employers, we explain what reasonable adjustments are, with illustrative […]
Helping employees with a phased return to work
Helping Employees with a Phased Return to Work After an employee has been off work for an extended absence, whether through ill health, maternity leave or bereavement, the transition back to work can be quite difficult for some employees. A phased return to work allows employees to make that adjustment in a more manageable way. […]
Return to work policy & procedure guide
If an employee has been absent from work through either illness or injury, especially for a prolonged period of time, it can take them a while to readjust on their return. In some cases, a number of changes may first need to be made to their working arrangements or working environment to help facilitate their […]
How to tackle employee burnout
Knowing how to spot and prevent employee burnout could not only help to improve productivity for your business but also avoid the temporary or permanent loss of a valuable member of staff due to work-related stress. In this guide for employers, we look at what employee burnout actually means and how to spot the signs. […]