Long COVID sickness absence guide
For a growing number of people, coronavirus continues to cause a range of symptoms that last for several weeks or even months post-infection, leading to a diagnosis of long COVID. The symptoms can be so debilitating that it impacts their ability to work, resulting in long term sickness absence. The following guide for employers provides […]
Do employees have the right to disconnect?
The right to disconnect has become a much-debated employment issue in recent years. With remote working a pervasive practice since the pandemic, boundaries have increasingly blurred between work and home life for more workers than ever, resulting in growing cases of stress and burnout. This has raised questions over whether workers should be given a […]
Compassionate leave for miscarriage
For employees who have suffered a miscarriage, time off work and the support they receive from their employer can be an important part of their recovery. But under current rules, employees who miscarry before the end of 24 weeks of pregnancy have no statutory to take maternity leave or claim maternity pay. Following stillbirth or […]
Sabbatical leave: give your employees a break
Sabbatical leave is defined as a period of time, over and above normal annual leave entitlement, in which an employee does not attend the workplace or undertake any tasks but remains employed by the company. Sabbatical leave is usually taken by individuals who want to pursue personal interests, such as travelling, studying, or volunteering. The […]
Employee signed off work with stress
Stress-related sickness absence has become increasingly prevalent in the workplace. Employers face a balancing act between supporting their employees’ wellbeing while minimising the risk of operational disruption and impact on other employees resulting from individuals being signed off work with stress. The pandemic in particular has placed unprecedented pressures on workers, whether adapting to remote […]
Workplace stress & employer duty of care
Employers are under a legal duty to assess the risk of workplace stress for their workers and to take appropriate action to ensure their wellbeing. In addition to meeting the duty of care, employers should be concerned with the wider implications of work-related stress. Stress can significantly impact a business and its workforce, affecting absence, performance and […]
Occupational sick pay: HR guide
Managing occupational sick pay can often be complicated. The following guide for employers looks at the rules on occupational sick pay – including entitlement, rates and duration – and how this differs to statutory sick pay. We also look at what happens when sick pay comes to an end, and how both long-term and short-term […]
Right to work from home: perk or new norm?
Following the coronavirus outbreak and UK lockdown, working from home has become prevalent across the economy. This shift towards a more flexible way of working brings both risks and opportunities for employers, who must ensure they meet their duties towards remote workers. Is there a right to work from home? Under current laws, there is […]
Hiring happy employees: boost morale & productivity!
Boosting employee happiness is one of the most effective ways for an employer to maximise productivity, reduce absenteeism, attract talent and create a compelling employer brand for their business. Traditionally, organisations have sought to improve output among their workforce by focusing on material rewards such as pay rises, bonuses or other employee benefits to incentivise […]
Secondment agreement: employers’ Guide
Whether your organisation is considering a programme of secondments for a group of employees or arranging a single secondment for an individual employee, you will need to know how to go about achieving this, in particular, you will need to consider the contents of any secondment agreement. Equally, if you are a host organisation looking […]