Brexit transition period guide for UK employers

The UK leaves the European Union on Friday 31st January 2020 at 11pm. The Brexit transition period will then come into effect until 31st December 2020. This is the deadline by which the UK Government has to agree a deal with the EU as to the final terms of Brexit. Where no agreement is made, […]

TOIL policy: managing time off in lieu

An effective TOIL policy can help ensure a consistent and legally compliant approach to managing time off in lieu for overtime. What is TOIL? TOIL stands for ‘Time Off In Lieu’. It refers to time off given to an employee to ‘replace’ any overtime they have already worked. Employees may earn the right to TOIL […]

Good Work Plan: what you need to know

The following guide looks at the three main strands of the Government’s Good Work Plan, including what steps UK employers should be taking to assess and amend their current working practices to ensure they are compliant with the law. Background to the Good Work Plan Having been invited to develop proposals to improve the working […]

Recording conversations at work: HR guide

Is making a covert recording in the workplace sufficiently serious to justify instant dismissal? As the likelihood and occurrence of secret recordings in the workplace grows, it has become good risk management practice for employers to take pre-emptive measures to deter secret recordings and to provide clarity to the workforce on the organisation’s expectations and […]